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The functions of the nervous centres

The cerebrum The cerebrum is the most important nervous centre. It contains over 10 billion neurons and represents 80% of the volume of the brain. The outer surface, which is 1.5 to 4 millimetres thick, is called the cerebral cortex. It has a large surface area that is folded into grooves. The higher functions like the senses, language and mobility are located in the cerebral cortex. [...]

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Recurso educativo

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 11 años:
    • Sociología
    • Biología
  • 12 años:
    • Biología
    • Sociología

Tipo de recurso

  • Interactivo
  • Teoría

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