Water covers a lot of the Earth's surface. We can find water in oceans, seas and rivers. We can also find water in clouds and in snow on mountains. All living things need water. All animals need water to drink. Some animals live in water. Plants need water to make food. In this unit we are going to learn about water and how water moves around the Earth in the water cycle.
Esta secuencia contiene:
8 actividades
32 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Water covers a lot of the Earth's surface. We can find water in oceans, seas and rivers. We can also find water in clouds and in snow on mountains. All living things need water. All animals need water to drink. Some animals live in water. [...]
Where can we find water? A lot of the Earth's surface is water. Most of the water on the Earth's surface is salt water. We can find salt water: In the oceans. There are five oceans on Earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic. [...]
The three states of water Water has three states: liquid, solid and gas. Rain and rivers are water in a liquid state. Ice and snow are water in a solid state. Water vapour is water in a gaseous state. We find it in the air. [...]
Water covers a lot of the Earth's surface. We can find water in oceans, seas and rivers. We can also find water in clouds and in snow on mountains. All living things need water. All animals need water to drink. Some animals live in water. [...]
What is a river? A river is a channel of fresh water which contains rainwater or melted snow. Rivers have their source in the mountains. They flow to the sea, collecting water and materials on the way. [...]
Water covers a lot of the Earth's surface. We can find water in oceans, seas and rivers. We can also find water in clouds and in snow on mountains. All living things need water. All animals need water to drink. Some animals live in water. [...]
Do an evaporation experiment What do we need? Two glasses of the same size. A permanent marker pen. Aluminium foil. Water. What do we do? Fill the two glasses half full with water. [...]
Water covers a lot of the Earth's surface. We can find water in oceans, seas and rivers. We can also find water in clouds and in snow on mountains. All living things need water. All animals need water to drink. Some animals live in water. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
8 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
9 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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