Human beings
Human beings look different from each other. But human beings are also similar in many ways. Our bodies have three parts: the head, the torso and the limbs. We use our motor system to move. Our motor system is made up of our bones, muscles and joints. Our motor system helps us move around. In this unit we will learn how our body works. We will learn what makes us different from other people.
Esta secuencia contiene:
8 actividades
21 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Human beings look different from each other. But human beings are also similar in many ways. Our bodies have three parts: the head, the torso and the limbs. We use our motor system to move. [...]
Human beings Human beings are living things. We are born, we eat, we grow, we interact with each other, we reproduce and we die. Human beings are different from animals in two ways: We can think. We can speak. [...]
We interact We interact with the world around us. To do this, we use: The motor system. Our bones, muscles and joints allow us to move from place to place. The sensory organs. Our senses help us understand the world around us. [...]
What is the skeleton? Our skeleton is made up of all the bones in our body. It protects and supports our body. Our skeleton allows us to move. There are three types of bones in our body: Long bones, like the bones in our legs. [...]
What are muscles like? Muscles are soft and elastic. They work together with our bones to allow us to move our body. Our muscles contract and relax as we move. There are three types of muscles: flat, circular and long. [...]
Human beings look different from each other. But human beings are also similar in many ways. Our bodies have three parts: the head, the torso and the limbs. We use our motor system to move. [...]
Make a ribcage What do we need? A cardboard tube. Stiff card. Scissors, glue, sticky tape and a stapler. Card in three different colours: red, blue and yellow. What do we do? Look carefully at the diagram of the ribcage. [...]
Human beings look different from each other. But human beings are also similar in many ways. Our bodies have three parts: the head, the torso and the limbs. We use our motor system to move. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
8 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
9 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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