Villages, towns and cities
We live in communities called villages, towns and cities. Villages are small. Few people live in them. Towns are bigger than villages. Many people live there. Cities are bigger than towns. Some cities have millions of people! Villages, towns and cities have different types of streets, buildings and transport. In this unit we are going to learn about villages, towns and cities.
Esta secuencia contiene:
8 actividades
34 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
We live in communities called villages, towns and cities. Villages are small. Few people live in them. Towns are bigger than villages. Many people live there. Cities are bigger than towns. [...]
Villages Villages are small communities. Few people live in them. The streets are short and narrow. The buildings are low and one or two families live in each building. [...]
Towns and cities Towns and cities are large communities where a lot of people live. In cities, there are wide avenues and many tall buildings. The buildings are close together. A lot of people live in each building. Most people live in a flat. [...]
The parts of a city The people in cities live in different areas of the city, called neighbourhoods. Each neighbourhood has different characteristics and functions. The city centre This is the oldest part of the city. [...]
When we travel around villages, towns and cities we need to be safe. We need to know the rules that vehicles and pedestrians follow. It is common to see children riding bikes or using skateboards in the street. [...]
We live in communities called villages, towns and cities. Villages are small. Few people live in them. Towns are bigger than villages. Many people live there. Cities are bigger than towns. [...]
Study our route to school What do we need? A pen. A notebook. Coloured pencils. What do we do? Think about the route you take to school. [...]
We live in communities called villages, towns and cities. Villages are small. Few people live in them. Towns are bigger than villages. Many people live there. Cities are bigger than towns. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
8 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
9 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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